Thursday, March 8, 2007

Into March we roll...

We're almost half-way through March and school and the spring time are in full swing here in AZ. I ran the Goodyear 5k 2 weekends ago while the wife and bug were in NYC. Set a new PR with puking aplenty.

Came down with the head and chest cold shortly thereafter on a flight to SF and pretty much have spent the last week resting up and laying low. Finally made it back to the gym on Tuesday night and out for a run yesterday (wednesday).

I'm looking forward to a nice loop around the block tomorrow (Lord, and Boss willing).

Trying to free my mind here for a minute while I think about a case study for my MBA program. Wondering why I can't start an internet company and just do something that I really enjoy for myself...maybe once the free time comes back in November (yeah right!). there will probably be another munchkin by that time so we'll be busy as always...sure would be nice to get a moment to breathe once this is all over.

Anyways, back to ppt slides.

Check out upcoming events here: GetSetAZ Calendar

Check out Rob Sanchez's new project/album: Monahans

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